Labor Day Sale 2024

To Sale:
Calling all marketplace maniacs, we're launching our biggest sale yet, are you and your Nodes ready? Our 2024 Labor Day Sale begins on Friday, August 30th at 8 AM PDT, and stays strong throughout the weekend until the grand finale on Labor Day, September 2nd at 11:59 PM PDT.
Throughout the sale, we'll unveil nine brand-new items, and we've got a treat for everyone! A new unique will be released, the Yellow Crane City Hard Hat and it will only be on sale for one day of the sale with 15 copies available. Keep coming back hourly so you don't miss other discounts or items! Throughout the sale you'll see over 30+ items go on a sweet Labor Day discount, with some of the discounts reaching over 50%+ off and a 100% free item each day of the sale.

Partial Showcase Of Labor Day Sale 2024 Discounted Items
We are also introducing a new collection with this sale, the 2024 Labor Day Collection and it will feature a total of nine items, which are the ones that will be released throughout the sale. The first item to be introduced to the marketplace from this collection will be the Black & Purple Striped Dealings Fedora on the first day of the sale, but it won't stay around long. As we said earlier, be sure to check back hourly between 8 AM PDT and 6 PM PDT daily as we'll be dropping a new item or discount each hour of the sale during those specific hours.

With all that being said, we want to thank those who contribute to the progression of civilization not only in America but worldwide, Happy Labor Day 2024 from the team here at Meshcaid, we raise our virtual glasses to toast to the spirit of our collective labor and achievement, cheers and we hope you enjoy the sale!
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