Thanksgiving Week Sales 2023

Thanksgiving Week Sales 2023
November 23rd Through November 27th, 2023

Thanksgiving is coming up along with Black Friday & Cyber Monday, so with that, we've got a few great discounts coming up and some pretty unique items that we'll be sharing with you in this newsletter, let us dive in without further ado.

The start of the week-long sale event begins on Thanksgiving day, November 23rd, and will continue throughout the next 4 days. During this time discounts and items will continue to go live until the end of the day on November 27, otherwise known as Cyber Monday. Time frame for the event is in PST (UTC -8).

Turkey Time: Gnarly Performance

Releasing this upcoming sale will be the first item in the Turkey Time collection. This collection will include various Turkey's doing extraordinary things, up first is Turkey Time: Gnarly Performance, shown above. Items in this collection will only be released on Thanksgiving and will only remain on sale until the next year's Thanksgiving, at that point, they will go off sale and Unique immediately. Turkey Time: Gnarly Performance will cost 23 Nodes and will be worn on the character's head like a hat.

RGB Key-Sword

Without a doubt the crown jewel of the 5-day event will be the RGB Key-Sword, this will be a unique item that will cost 100 Nodes and will only be on sale for Cyber Monday, November 27. Additionally, this item will be the first item in a new grand collection of items called the "keyboard warrior collection", this collection will have a range of items released to it in the future from grenade (computer) mice to monitor shields!

In addition, there will be a total of 17 items going on sale for the event including items from almost every category. Some of the most notable discounts include the Cyber Headphones, Lumberjack's Beard, Smarty Skirt, and the Dark Blue Blazer all of which will be receiving a discount of 30 Nodes or more from their normal selling price. The Cyber Headphones will be the best deal by far at only 5 Nodes, make sure to snag them up if you don't already own a pair.

Cyber Headphones