Memorial Day Sale 2024

Attention all, Memorial Day weekend is approaching, and coming along with it is our first annual Memorial Day Sale for 2024. The sale begins on May 24th at 8 AM PDT and will run into the late night on May 27th.

Boss of the Plains

During the sale, a total of 21 items will have a discount ranging from 40% off to 100% off, one of the best discounts, if not the best discount occurring during this sale is the Boss of the Plains. It is normally 75 Nodes, but it will be reduced to 0 Nodes for the duration of time it is on sale.

Meshcaid BDU Coat

We are also introducing a new collection with this sale, the Brothers In Arms Collection. The first item to be introduced to this collection will be the Unique Meshcaid BDU Coat on the first day of the sale, with 50 total copies available.

Meshcaid Purple Hiking Backpack

Although the Meshcaid Purple Hiking Backpack technically isn't part of the sale, it will still be released during the sale and we thought it would be notable to mention as it is the first marketplace purchaseable back item and the second ever back item in the history of Meshcaid, coming after the Meshcaid Backer Cape.

Heart Vision

Last but certainly not least, we have another milestone for Meshcaid history. Heart Vision, released as a Valentine's Day 2022 limited-time exclusive item, will go Unique during this upcoming sale. This marks the first time in Meshcaid history that an off-sale item or any normal item has gone Unique. We had also promised this upon the release of the new framework, so we figured it was the perfect time to make history and make good on our promise.

Let's not forget what this Holiday is really about either, thank you to the current and fallen service members for your sacrifice, and we hope you have a pleasant and peaceful Memorial Day, from the entire team at Meshcaid.