Eye See You

It's been some time since our last Weekly Bits, and for that we do apologize. We have rather been looking towards the closing horizon of the next big update for Meshcaid. Let this be this our official announcement that moving forward, Meshcaid Characters can finally see.

We did not reach the decision on eyes for the characters easily and there was quite of bit of different proposed design paths we went down. At the end of it all, we had decided that plain eyes that show characters emotions through the shape of the eye was the best visually for the characters.
There will still be customization
Just because our characters will not have different faces does not mean you will lack the ability of character customization when it comes to your characters facial expressions. At the launch of the marketplace, we will release two different shapes of eyes with the possibility of more in the future. These will be the D-Shaped Eyes and the Oval-Shaped Eyes as shown above and below.

You will further be able to customize the eyes through the color along with materials such as glow. Yes, you'll be able to have glowing eyes-don't tell anyone but Backers will receive purple glow eyes.
What to expect in the upcoming update
As time marches on, so do we. We have been working on the upcoming marketplace update since July. Alot of this time was waiting for plenty of assets to be designed and working functional for the release of the marketplace.
The marketplace is set to release in the coming month(s) with character customization, character rendering, and your asset inventory.

You might have already noticed that character rendering has changed on your user dashboard. We had recently made public the newly updated character with some updated polished animations and we are currently testing the clothing assets to your animated on the animated render of your character.

That's all for now and we are open to criticisum and suggestions. You can join the conversation to voice them on Discord: https://discord.gg/meshcaid